ALL OUR CHILDCARE TRAINING COURSES HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED FOR FORESEEABLE FUTURE. Childcare Courses Welcome to our section containing courses for adult learners in Childcare.
Course Aim: This qualification is aimed at unqualified staff, parents and volunteers involved in the work of a pre-school setting. Its main focus is on the needs of children aged 1-5, who may be in sessional or, increasingly extended or full day care. This qualification enables candidates to gain the basic knowledge required to participate effectively in a pre-school setting. Course Entry Requirements: CACHE does not prescribe any formal entry qualifications in order to start a programme of study for the Level 1 Course. You must be at least 18 years old at the date of registration for the award. You will need to show that you have the basic knowledge needed to participate in the provision made in pre-school settings. Course Times: The course runs for 8 weeks on Monday's, from 10.00 am – 3.00 pm.
To achieve the qualification learners will need to complete 13 mandatory units and 2 optional units. Course Fees: £700.00 Course Entry Requirements: CACHE does not prescribe any formal entry qualifications in order to start a programme of study for the Level 2. You must be at least 18 years old at the date of registration for the award. You will need to show that you have an adequate level of general education to cope with the demands of the programme. You should not under-estimate the demands of the Level 2 qualification. You will have to complete a demanding course of study, with rigorous assessment, and be prepared to make a large commitment of time and effort during your course of study. Course Times: The course runs for one year, one days a week, every Tuesday between 10.00am – 3.00pm (during school term time). Plus one day/ two sessions a week in childcare placement. This qualification is on the QCA framework. Course Intake: To be confirmed Course Venue: To be confirmed
To achieve the qualification learners will need to complete 16 mandatory units. Course Fees: £900.00 Course Entry Requirements: To be able to do the Level 3 you will need to have the Level 2 qualification in Childcare and the skills to prepare assignments and either be in employment in a pre-school setting or the willingness to do a childcare placement. Course aimed at: Parent/carers who volunteer in
their child’s Parent & Toddler group, Playgroup or Nursery, who are
interested in finding out more about living with their own under five’s
are also welcome to attend. It aims to give them a basic knowledge of
appropriate ways of managing children and suitable activities to provide
for them, as well as highlighting some of the other issues related to
under five’s and working in Early Years Groups
Course Fees: Free Course Times: The course runs for
10 weeks, every Monday between 10.00 am – 1.00 pm.